F. A. Q.

What is auralfix.com?

Auralfix.com is the online version of the Aural Fix Communique print zine, which conversely the print zine is based upon. The online version came first, back in '97 as the music news section of the parent company, Aural Island which launched as auralisland.com in 1997 as an online portal to the Long Island Music Scene. It isn’t as confusing as that just sounded.

The mission and purpose of Aural Fix is to expose artists and new music from the Long Island, New York region and other independent artists.

We are a web site, a printed monthly zine, a internet radio webcast and soon to be a cable access tv show (Spring2005 or maybe Net Webisodes).

Who runs Aural Fix?

Aural Island, Aural Fix, Next Wave In Music Series are all trademarks of Michael Ferrari who founded and runs these enterprises. He is joined by a handful of dedicated volunteers, many of whom are local musicians -we feel your pain.

How can I support Aural Fix?

Speaking of pain, all this Aural goodness costs money. As previously stated this operation is founded and funded by the aforementioned Mike Ferrari - not the Great Gatsby or some conglomerate. The best way to support the Aural Revolution is to give us money! You can PayPal us donations, you can place ads in our print zine ($45 for the CD DISPLAY BOX for local artists) or buy banners ads for the site. You can also attend our monthly NEXT WAVE IN MUSIC showcases at Mr. Beerys in Bethpage or Munchaba Lounge in Levittown.

You can walk right up to our founder at Aural Fix Events and plunk cold hard cash into his grubby little paw if makes you sleep better at night as well (he's good like that).

The more you support us - the more we can support you!

We welcome arts and music supporting businesses to place ads with us!

How do I contact Aural Fix?

The best way is through email at auralfix@optonline.net.

Vi a U.S. Post at P.O. Box 6054, North Babylon, NY 11703.

If you want to speak via phone email for permission (I hate the phone, so you better be wanting to place an ad in if you want to speak to me!)

How do I get reviewed in Aural Fix?

We are genre agnostic, so be it Blues, Folk, Punk, Metal, Rock, Ska, whatever... Send in your press kit which MUST include:

1) Your bio (typed. NOT handwritten) tell me who is in the band or who you are, what your do, what your deal is and a little history. Don't make it an epic - we don't have that kind of time.

2) Two (2) copies of your demo/disc. If you don't want to give us a retail copy you can burn 2 copies but make sure one copy has a label or tracks written on it in a jewel case since the publisher also works at WCWP, the university radio station of C.W. Post.

3) A photo of you or your band. It needn't be 8 x 10 glossy. It can be a print from a throw away camera or print out on your inkjet. We just like to know what you look like - and maybe throw into the mag or onto the website.

Showing up to Aural Fix Events is a great way to ingratiate yourselves to us, it shows us you care about YOUR music scene, which besides making us feel warm and fuzzy inside, motivates us to check your music out.

Can you notify me when I get reviewed in Aural Fix?

NO! Keep logging onto the site, and keep picking up the print version and one day you will be pleasantly surprised. Read the damn web site and publication and learn about the other bands in your music scene. It's good for you - feed your mind and get involved.

Can I write for Aural Fix?

If you don't mind writing for free (and that you can actually write would also be nice). Deadline is the 20th of the month, email submissions for consideration to auralfix@optonline.net.

See the Submission page for more details.



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